Stephanie with youngest daughter
My name is Stephanie and I am a trained childbirth educator. The births of my daughters influenced my desire to educate parents about their choices in childbirth. I have immersed myself in the birth community, and have met so many wonderful people working together to re-humanize the birthing processAnd now I'm here, hoping to create a dialog about birth.
My desire is for every mother to receive evidence-based care. Every birth matters. In my heart, I believe change is happening in maternity care. Women will take back birth and their partners will be empowered.
I am currently on the leadership team as Secretary for the local chapter of the International Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN). My ICEA certification in in the process of completion. I love independently mentoring new parents and VBAC moms. If I can provide one new resource or inspire new parents to advocate for themselves in any capacity, I have done my job.
In addition to my childbirth education and advocacy roles, I am the host the New Mommy Media show Preggie Pals. Preggie Pals is an audio podcast that educates and entertains expectant parents and those hoping to become pregnant. Together with experts and mom panelists, we explore topics aimed to embrace pregnancy and encourage women to pursue their individual childbirth choices. Listen to Preggie Pals here.
For more, visit the blog here.